Oh, Hello

A short hello and thank you. I’m so pleasantly surprised by everybody who has stopped by this creaky site. I especially love the messages sitting patiently in my inbox. Many of those messages suggested that I open the site to comments, and after evidently crawling to the bottom of every to-do list, I finally spent the whole five seconds it took to click “show” and “anyone.” Let thoughts fly.

Charlotte’s Web

“’… with men it’s rush, rush, rush, every minute. I’m glad I’m a sedentary spider.’
‘What does sedentary mean?’ asked Wilbur.
‘Means I sit still a good part of the time and don’t go wandering all over creation. I know a good thing when I see it, and my web is a good thing. I stay put and wait for what comes. Gives me a chance to think.’”

Charlotte’s Web, pp. 60-1
By E.B. White
Published 1952