A short hello and thank you. I’m so pleasantly surprised by everybody who has stopped by this creaky site. I especially love the messages sitting patiently in my inbox. Many of those messages suggested that I open the site to comments, and after evidently crawling to the bottom of every to-do list, I finally spent the whole five seconds it took to click “show” and “anyone.” Let thoughts fly.

Love the simplicity of your blog. I find your pairings inspiring. They’re tenuous enough to avoid didacticism without seeming so random as to obviate connections. If I may ask for a peek behind the curtain, how do you go about making your selections?
Yes! I have been hoping you would open comments! I try to specifically connect writing to photography (I’m have a BA in Lit and am a photographer) so the fact that this blog exists makes me super happy.
It’s always a pleasure to see your blog pop up on my Reading List. Looking forward to more posts from you and get book swept.
A simple concept and a steadfast devotion to the idea makes your blog very special. Love the books you select and have even begun picking some to read 🙂
So glad you decided to have comments! I absolutley adore your blog, it’s amazing. So inspiring.
Yes. Great site. Simple. Clean. I’m a painter and poet, so I try to do what you do so successfully. Keep up the good stuff Yuri. You would make an excellent book cover designer 🙂