Oh, Hello

A short hello and thank you. I’m so pleasantly surprised by everybody who has stopped by this creaky site. I especially love the messages sitting patiently in my inbox. Many of those messages suggested that I open the site to comments, and after evidently crawling to the bottom of every to-do list, I finally spent the whole five seconds it took to click “show” and “anyone.” Let thoughts fly.

Charlotte’s Web

“’… with men it’s rush, rush, rush, every minute. I’m glad I’m a sedentary spider.’
‘What does sedentary mean?’ asked Wilbur.
‘Means I sit still a good part of the time and don’t go wandering all over creation. I know a good thing when I see it, and my web is a good thing. I stay put and wait for what comes. Gives me a chance to think.’”

Charlotte’s Web, pp. 60-1
By E.B. White
Published 1952

Mick Harte Was Here

“You know, like at first you have this gut reaction to something and you’re positive that you’re totally right. Only after a while, it creeps into your mind that the other guy may actually have a point. Then the next thing you know, his point’s making more sense than your point. Which is totally annoying. But still, it happens.”

Mick Harte Was Here, p. 79
By Barbara Park
Published 1995