“He hated all the people who lived in air-conditioned houses with the windows permanently sealed, and drove air-conditioned cars to nine-to-five jobs in air-conditioned office buildings that he said were little more than gussied-up prisons. Just the sight of those people on their way to work made him feel hemmed in and itchy. He began complaining that we were all getting too soft, too dependent on creature comforts, and that we were losing touch with the natural order of the world.”

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
Beautiful I love your findings ….little gems inside another gems.
Thank you,
Thank you very much, Marisa. 🙂
All too true. Nicely written.
Yes and yes.
As you are what you eat, you are where you work
Beautiful words! Looking forward to more! ;D
<3 Carsla
Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.
Thank you for your kind words!
Wonderful such a beautiful project. Thank you for sharing!